Technical College System of Georgia / Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP)

Thank you for your interest in the GaTAPP program at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College. Please complete this application in its entirety before submitting. Once you click submit, you will be unable to make any modifications to your form. The form should take approximate 20 minutes to complete. It is recommended that you review the open ended response questions at the end of the application prior to completing the form to allow time for planning your responses. Please remember to check the website for a list of other documents that must be submitted to WGTC before your application packet will be considered complete. If you have any questions, please contact the GaTAPP office at WGTC.

First Name:  
Last Name:  
Other Names Used:  
Street Address:  

If other was selected, please specify ethnicity:

Date of Birth:  
(Example: mm/dd/yyyy)
Contact Numbers:   (Home)
    (Example: XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Email Address:  
Social Security Number:    (ONLY last 4 digits)
Degree:    Major:       
GPA:    Institution: 
Degree:    Major:       
GPA:    Institution: 
Subject & Grade Level taught (If SpEd - indicate if co-teaching, consultative, or self-contained):
Georgia Professional Teacher
Certification Number:
Seeking Certification in: (Select one)   Early Childhood (P - 5)
English (6 - 12)
Math (6 - 12)
Middle Grades Language Arts (4 - 8)
Middle Grades Mathematics (4 - 8)
Middle Grades Reading (4 - 8)
Middle Grades Science (4 - 8)
Middle Grades Social Studies (4 - 8)
Special Education (P - 12)
Candidate's Commitment
I understand that during the internship phase:

(Please initial each line and sign at the bottom)

  I must be employed as a teacher and teach more than half the day in my area of certification.
  I understand that my involvement in the extra-curricular activities will be kept to a minimum and that my classroom and certification responsibilities have priority over any assigned extracurricular activities, such as coaching.
  I must take courses required by the state based on the area of certification I am seeking.
  I must take additional courses if recommended/required by my Candidate Support Team (CST).
  Depending on my area of certification, I may be required to pass additional content area tests (GACE) before I can be recommended for a fully renewable certificate.
  I must attend all GaTAPP meetings that are scheduled for my pathway.
  I will be required to complete 30 hours of field experiences following the guidelines of the program.
  My performance in the classroom will be observed by my school administrator, mentor, teacher, and a TCSG-WGTC Supervisor throughout the year.
  I will be required to maintain an electric portfolio. (The requirements regarding the contents of this portfolio will be explained at the orientation meetings and reviewed throughout the internship phase.)
  If there is a change in any of the personal information provided on this form (name, home address, home phone number or email address), I will submit the change in writing to the TCSG-WGTC GaTAPP Office.
  I will analyze and evaluate the program, including supervised experience in working with students, parents, and working with teams of professionals in the school setting.
CANDIDATE'S COMMITMENT: I am committed to the work and personal preparation that are necessary for me to become a teacher of the highest quality and a productive member of this professional community.
Candidate's Signature:  Date:
Educational Philosophy
Please respond to the following questions:
1. Describe why your past work and/or academic experiences qualify you to pursue
a teaching career in this field.
2. Why are you becoming a teacher? Why do you want to teach young people?
3. What characteristics/attributes/attitudes/dispositions qualify you to work with
young people?

If you have questions or need assistance with this form, please email the IT Department at